5 Ways To Improve Your Self Esteem
By Paisley Hansen
June 27 2021 - The attitude you have toward yourself can have a huge impact on your life. Having a low self esteem, which means having a negative outlook on yourself and a general lack of confidence, can cause both your mental and physical states to decline. The path to improving yourself mentally and physically involves many steps, but it starts with your attitude. To improve your self esteem is not always an easy fix, however, as it involves working on many different aspects of your life. Check out these five things that you should focus on for your self improvement.
1. Stay Positive
The first step to improving your attitude is to do your best to push aside negative thoughts and to stay as positive about yourself as you can. Keeping a positive attitude about yourself whenever you can will help develop mental toughness and keep your outlook on life optimistic. Making self-deprecating jokes or comments about how you are lesser than others may seem harmless, but in reality, doing so can often have a negative impact on the way you see yourself.
The next time you want to say something discouraging about yourself, push that thought aside and realize it is not true and that you are a worthwhile individual. By rejecting a negative outlook on yourself, you may find a more positive and optimistic worldview taking root, which can set you on your way to a more fulfilling life.
2. Eat Well
Eating well not only is good for you physically, it also can positively affect your emotional state as well. Make sure you eat at least three meals a day to ensure you are getting enough food. Eating too little can negatively affect your mood, as can eating too much. Ensure your diet is balanced well with adequate nutrients. Avoid consuming too much sugary and caffeinated food and drinks as well. Too much sugar and caffeine can cause you to crash later in the day and cause your mood to decline. When you are physically unhealthy, your mind also takes a hit, leading to negative thoughts and lethargy.
3. Exercise
Staying physically active does more than just keep your body in shape, as doing so also has a positive impact on your emotions. Regular exercise may help cut down on depression and anxiety by releasing endorphins, which causes your body and mind to feel good. The blood and oxygen flow to your brain can keep you mentally active, which helps cut down on negative moods.
If you find yourself in a bad mood one day, try going for a walk or a jog. Getting your heart pumping may just lift your mood, plus, occupying your mind with physical activity can get you focusing on things other than what might be upsetting you at the time.
4. Sleep Well
Getting good amounts of sleep every night is important for your health. When you wake up refreshed and rested, you can approach your day with a better attitude than you would on little sleep. Set a specific time you would like to go to sleep and try to stick to that schedule every night if you can. Getting on a nightly sleep routine can align your circadian rhythm and keep you refreshed and both physically and mentally active every day.
5. Stay Occupied
Boredom can lead to depressing thoughts and lethargy. One way to keep your mind sharp and your self esteem lifted is to make sure you are always occupying your free time with something you like to do. Getting stuck in a rut with nothing to do is an easy trap to fall into, so occupy this time with a book, drawing, writing or any other activity you enjoy.
Staying positive, healthy and active is the key to high self esteem. A high self esteem can lead to a happier and more fulfilling life, so always be sure to take care of yourself when you can.
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